lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

My blogging experience....

Hi everyone! This is the last comment as student of this class! Normally, I write about everything in Spanish but I never write in English in other situation that English class .This reason made my experience as writer of this blog was very interesting! Also I recognize that was my first Blog, before this class, I didn´t have any page of this format! I must admit that process was interesting and it is excellent exercises to practice this language.
I can say that this activity helped me to improve my English, if well sometimes I made some mistakes in my drafting, I can see this situation and understand the cause of this mistake. Also is very a good tool for understand and memorizing new words. At the same time, I can read about likes and ideas of my classmates, in these pages are texts really curious!
Respect to the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class, I must say this form of teach is an advantage because we have resources and technology, and in this part of class we can take this opportunity. But a big disadvantage is the bad service of internet, this is very unstable, and it difficult to work. Other point is the number of words we should write, for me this is boring (only for say a way) especially when we have any problems on mind about the next class as econometric tests.
Finally I can say thanks Sr. for dedicate your time to read our comments, and classmates I am going to read their new comments in the next class! (and the end).